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22nd November 2013
Basildon Echo
Trust patron and benefactor, Teresa Gorman, was interviewed about her involvement with the HMS Beagle Project, her love affair with Charles Darwin and her role as the new Beagle’s figurehead. Read the full article from the Basildon Echo here.
1st November 2013
Western Telegraph
Pembroke Dock Town Council has been asked to pledge its “moral support” for a replica of one of the most important ships in history to be built in the town. A relative of Admiral John Lort-Stokes, the last captain of HMS Beagle – on which Charles Darwin once travelled – addressed more than 20 people at Pater Hall last Thursday (October 31) evening. Read more
26th February 2012
In an increasingly interconnected world, the HMS Beagle Project is expanding its global profile through channels like Facebook, where our extended reach is nearly 70,000 people, and Twitter, where we have 2,000 followers with a reach of over 100,000. We also ‘spot’ news for online daily papers such as Evolution Daily and Leadership and Innovation Daily, with a readership of 15,000.
On the flipside, the project team also uses Twitter – in addition to traditional media – to scan for developments in science, education, ethics, sailing, history and more.
See what’s on our radar at our Twitter page
12th February 2012
HMS Beagle co-founder Dr Karen James celebrates key anniversaries in Charles Darwin’s life, and proposes toasting his birthday aboard a new Beagle as soon as 2014.
Read more in the Guardian Science Blog
10th November 2008
London Evening Standard
It was the ship that carried Charles Darwin to the Galapagos Islands nearly 180 years ago, enabling him to make his breakthrough on the theory of evolution.
Now another HMS Beagle will depart on a new voyage of scientific discovery – this time with the help of sat-nav, engines and guidance from space.
The Beagle Trust plans to build a £5million replica of the 19th-century vessel and use it to research the effects of plankton on the world’s oceans… Read more
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