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21st May 2014
Western Telegraph
The Earl of Pembroke is set to recreate some of the discoveries made by Charles Darwin when she berths at Milford Haven Marina from June 5. The project is part of the pionerring educational and scientific work of the HMS Beagle Trust, the Darwin Centre and the Dragon LNG-supported education arm, the Darwin Experience. Read the full article from the Western Telegraph here.
22nd November 2013
Basildon Echo
Trust patron and benefactor, Teresa Gorman, was interviewed about her involvement with the HMS Beagle Project, her love affair with Charles Darwin and her role as the new Beagle’s figurehead. Read the full article from the Basildon Echo here.
1st November 2013
Western Telegraph
Pembroke Dock Town Council has been asked to pledge its “moral support” for a replica of one of the most important ships in history to be built in the town. A relative of Admiral John Lort-Stokes, the last captain of HMS Beagle – on which Charles Darwin once travelled – addressed more than 20 people at Pater Hall last Thursday (October 31) evening. Read more
27th January 2013
Milford and West Wales Mercury
Building a replica of HMS Beagle in Pembroke Dock could be a “turning point” for the town, a councillor has said. Councillor Pam George told members at a Pembroke Dock Town Council meeting about the possibility of the town being chosen as the location for building a replica of the ship, after meeting with a trustee of the HMS Beagle Project… Read more
16th November 2012
Prime Minister David Cameron and Chilean President Sebástian Piñera have announced in a statement their commitment to furthering cooperation in science, education and innovation. The ‘Beagle Foundation’ (the HMS Beagle Trust and its sister charity Fundacion Beagle) is identified in the UK-Chile joint statement as an initiative that enables greater cooperation on science and strengthens the links between Chile and the UK.
Read the full statement here.
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