The HMS Beagle Project’s patrons and trustees include internationally renowned researchers, explorers, educators and naval experts. If you are interested in joining this committed group, please contact

All Departments PATRONS Trustees STAFF & ASSOCIATES

Currently viewing members from 'PATRONS'.



Lord Hunt of Chesterton

Emeritus Professor of Climate Modelling, University College London. Former Director of the Met Office, UK

Sir Robin Knox Johnston

Pioneer solo sailor. Former President of the Sail Training Association.

Lord West of Spithead

Former First Sea Lord and Head of the Royal Navy.

Professor Simon Keynes

Elrington and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon History at Cambridge University. Great-great-grandson of Charles Darwin.



Dr Simon Boxall

Science team and Executive Committee member

Lecturer in Oceanography at National Oceanography Centre, UK. Worked with UNESCO, EU Research Centre, World Bank, British Council, European Space Agency.

Ian Campbell

Ship-build team and Executive Committee member

Director of MTMC Ltd, naval engineer and historian. Long experience working with the Chilean Navy. Contributed to the design and build of Protector 33 patrol boats.

Dr Karen James

Co-founder. Science team, Online and US Outreach

Biologist, Visiting Staff Scientist, Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, USA. Former Postdoctoral Researcher and Darwin200 Science Coordinator, Natural History Museum, London.

David Lort-Phillips

Co-founder and Executive Committee member

Trustee and co-founder of Darwin Experience, Wales. Relative of Admiral John Lort-Stokes, last captain of HMS Beagle.

Liza Lort-Phillips

Sponsorship team member

Advisor at the Centre for Intelligence on Sustainable Markets, (, Incae Business School, Costa Rica. Sustainability consultant with expertise in global CSR strategies. 20 years experience across China, the UK, and the Americas.



Melanie Hanvey

Coordinator, UK

Former onboard research coordinator for a global voyage of M/V Oceanic II and copy editor for Nature Publishing Group. Academic background in chemistry, oceanography and science communication.

Marten Lewis

Education team member

Director, the Darwin Experience.

Detlev Loell

Ship designer and ship team member

Founder and Director, Detlev Loell & Partners, Germany. Classic shipbuilder.